Insist on an Ultra Durable™ Motherboard for your new PC



GIGABYTE All Digital Engine
GIGABYTE Z77 series motherboards take advantage of an exclusive All Digital Engine to deliver maximum power to 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processors. Using entirely digital controllers means that more precise power delivery to the motherboard’s most power hungry and energy sensitive components is possible.

All Digital Power
GIGABYTE Turbo Voltage Response
Maintain Optimal Voltage
Turbo Voltage Response
Turbo Voltage Response allows the CPU and memory voltages to reach their target voltages quicker, helping to improve overclocking performance and provide better power savings.
Without Turbo Voltage Response
These components include individual digital controllers for the CPU, processor graphics, VTT and system memory; without doubt the most important components on your motherboard. This All Digital Engine features Precise Auto Voltage Compensation, providing exceptional control over the way power is delivered to your GIGABYTE 7 series motherboard.

GIGABYTE 3D Power Utility*
GIGABYTE 3D Power is an interactive utility that facilitates complete mastery of the 3 dimensions that monitor and control the power to your PC: Voltage, Phase and Frequency. Real-time adjustment of these parameters enables new levels of control, allowing users to tweak and adjust their motherboard’s performance to achieve a stable, high-performance overclock.

*Adjustment settings may vary by model.

3D Power™: Voltage Control
3D Power™: Phase Control
3D Power™: Frequency Control



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